Brunel Academies Trust

Careers Program

Careers Education at Exeter House School


The Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance program at Exeter House School has been developed to incorporate the aims of the school and recent initiatives in careers education. The planned programme of study helps our students to understand their interests, strengths and weaknesses in relation to the world of work and lifelong education. Students also learn about different careers and opportunities for training, apprenticeships and volunteering.


The focus of Careers Education and Guidance is raising aspirations and equipping students with knowledge and understanding, skills and attitudes as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning. As a School we want to help identify pupils’ barriers and help to support them in overcoming them. Our goal is to develop pupils’ confidence, independence and functional communication to enable them to access the world of work. We want to work on developing pupil’s knowledge and employability skills, including:

  • Positive attitude
  • Functional communication
  • Teamwork skills
  • Self-Management
  • Willingness to learn
  • Thinking skills
  • Resilience

We firmly believe that everyone has the right to aspire to the very best for their future. As a school our aim is to build pupils confidence, develop employability skills and raise aspirations.

Roles & Responsibilities

The careers education programme is managed by the careers lead, Yas Johnston.

The careers lead manages the careers education programme and is directly responsible to the Head teacher and the governors of the school. The schools’ governors have demonstrated their commitment to careers education and guidance by their appointment of a career’s governor, Jenny Baylis. There are also close links with the Careers & Enterprise Company and Swindon and South Wiltshire Careers Hub.

Careers Program

At Exeter House School you are entitled to receive a planned programme of career education, information, advice and guidance that will help prepare you for the world of work.

By the end of your time in Lower school you will have (where appropriate)

  • Described things you are good at.
  • Described things you like to learn.
  • Recognised the different jobs people do in the school.
  • Had at least one Careers/jobs focused assembly per year.

By the end of your time in Middle school you will have (where appropriate):

  • Described your personal qualities and skills.
  • Described how you like to learn.
  • Recognised the different skills you are developing in each curriculum area.
  • Had at least one Careers focused assembly per year.
  • Recognised some jobs that are linked to different curriculum areas
  • Experienced at least one work encounter with a local employer

By the end of your time in Upper school you will have (where appropriate):

  • Used computer programmes and internet to research future careers choices and the qualifications, skills and attitudes required.       
  • Explained what careers you are interested in and what may help you to reach your goals
  • Had at least one work encounter with a local employer per year
  • Been given the opportunity to take part in at least one external work experience placement.
  • Been given help and support to apply for college/work training schemes/apprenticeships/supported internships.
  • Attended local colleges i.e. Fairfield farm College, Wiltshire University and College
  • Had an independent careers interview
  • Access to Careers information through posters and displays
  • Had one to one careers information, advice and guidance sessions with the school’s career tutor.
  • Support to complete CVs and applications as needed.
  • Had the opportunity to achieve a recognised award eg Duke of Edinburgh
  • Attended a Careers Fairs or employer event

 Work Experience

Work Experience is an important part of the educational entitlement of students at Exeter House. All pupils at Exeter House, where appropriate are given the opportunity to go on work experience, provided internally or externally. The practice of work experience is planned and monitored by the Head of Upper school and work experience coordinator. It is designed in such a way to take full account of the needs of the pupils and to give pupils an insight into the world of work. When pupils return from work experience, the whole process is discussed and evaluated by staff and pupils alike. The work experience coordinator visits all pupils and reports back to relevant staff. Employers also evaluate the process and feedback to the work experience coordinator and pupils.

Other focused events include whole school and class enterprise activities, attendance at markets, local community events (e.g. Silver Surfers Day) and careers fairs.

Work Experience preparation and follow-up (including health and safety) responsibility takes place in tutor groups, careers sessions and other appropriate parts of the curriculum.

The careers programme at Exeter House aims to meet the needs of all students at this school and is differentiated in terms of outcomes, resources and learning styles to ensure that it is appropriate to students’ stages of career learning and development.

Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

An important part of the CEIAG programme is evaluation. It is mainly through evaluation that this policy will develop whilst keeping abreast of national changes to CEIAG. Evaluations take place after career-related events so we can assess whether or not career outcomes have been met. Assessment takes place through verbal feedback/assessment observation, written evaluations and student and employer feedback.The process of regularly completing and monitoring the Gatsby Benchmark Compass Tool has given us the opportunity to review and evaluate the whole CEIAG programme annually.


Partnerships have been established with local employers who provide work experience placements. Other firm links have been developed with Post 19 providers and F.E colleges such as Fairfield Farm College, and the Albare Development Centres at Barford and Old Sarum for vocational and academic taster days.

Parents and carers also play an integral part in pupils’ understanding of career choices and are encouraged to attend a range of events including structured conversations, transition planning, work experience discussions and Annual reviews.


This program will be reviewed annually - Review Date: Nov 2025

Exeter House Vocational Centre
Friary Lane,
Tel: 01722 330585