Brunel Academies Trust

THE school day

Exeter House School starts at 8.45am and finishes at 2.45pm Monday to Friday. Each school day is 6 hours with time for lunch. The total time the school is open per week is 30 hours. 

Some lessons take place outside of the classroom such as sports and swimming at leisure facilities in the local area.


(Official start of the school day)


Morning Sessions


Lunches and playtime is staggered with lunches served from 12 onwards


12 Noon

Afternoon Sessions


(Official end of the school day)


School Closes
All students will have left school and begun their journey home.



Each department has a weekly assembly which includes exploring themes that link to the curriculum focus for their topic and also explores friendship and working together. The Makaton sign of the week is practised, student’s successes are celebrated and students sing and dance as a community together.