Brunel Academies Trust

Reading and Phonics

Reading at Exeter House

Reading At Exeter House School we believe in seeking out the extraordinary in everyone. We aim to ensure that our students have the best access to education, increasing opportunity and possibility for all and enabling them to flourish and feel a valuable part of society. The life skill of reading is vital to this aim and we place huge importance in ensuring that our students build confidence in their own ability to be able to read and experience the world around them through a love of books and reading. Teachers model reading regularly and engage in sensory sessions for students who need support to access reading and listening with props and sensory experiences. Classrooms are language rich environments with key vocabulary displayed. Students are encouraged to take reading books home to read and share with parents and carers.


Early phonological awareness is linked to listening and attention skills which are developed through The Curiosity programme and Attention Wiltshire (bucket time) In Reception, where appropriate, children take part in Phase 1 phonics activities, focusing on listening to and being aware of sounds and early blending and segmenting skills. This can be delivered individually and in small groups using the Attention Wiltshire (bucket) approach. In Key Stage 1, where appropriate, children take part in Phase 2 phonics and are introduced to letter sounds, blending and segmenting. This can be through bucket activities, sensory play and individual work box activities.

Lower School

Phonics Students in Lower School join in with Attention Autism phonics sessions, discrete phonics teaching, continuous provision activities, workbox TEACCH approach activities and personalised intervention programmes. We focus on providing highly engaging, visual and sensory activities which are engaging and support students’ overlearning and developing skills. As students progress, we use Bug Club phonics scheme to support learners with their knowledge of phonemes/graphemes, blending and segmenting and early reading skills.

Middle School

Where appropriate, students in Middle School participate with daily phonics sessions which include discrete phonics teaching, continuous provision activities, workbox TEACCH approach activities and personalised intervention programmes. We focus on providing highly engaging, visual and sensory activities which are engaging and support students’ overlearning and developing skills. As students’ progress, we use Bug Club phonics scheme to support learners with their knowledge of phonemes/graphemes, blending and segmenting and develop their reading skills.

Upper School

Students continue to build on their knowledge through speaking and listening, discussions, social communication. Students read from everyday texts, forms, adverts, magazine articles and information and Literature Writing, lists, forms, letters emails, news articles, adverts.



Exeter House Vocational Centre
Friary Lane,
Tel: 01722 330585